The National Tuberculosis Control Program, organized in 1978 and operating within a devolved health care delivery system, is one of the public health programs managed and coordinated by the Infectious Diseases for Prevention and Control Division (IDPCD) of the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau (DPCB) of the Department of Health (DOH).
- WordPress
- YII2
- mysql
- HTML 5
- Css3
- Figma

Website Improvement for the Department of Health - National Tuberculosis Program
This was a close collaboration with the DOH-NTP and Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service (KMITS) to strengthen its website by enhancing and updating its online repository of useful information, up-to-date activity calendar, gallery, reports, and other resources for programmatic, service provider, and patients.
Part of the improvements were the user interface and user experience of the website for quality-assured information dissemination, including an updated TB knowledge management repository for patient and provider usage.
What We Did
UI/UX Design
WordPress CMS Development
Custom Data Management
Spatial Data Integraiton

The Result